The Disembodied Feet of the Salish Sea

Since August 2007, at least 20 disembodied human feet have been found in shoes on the coasts of British Columbia and Washington state, with the most recent foot washing ashore this past summer. 

But why? Where did all of these disembodied feet come from? Was it another PNW serial killer dumping bodies into the Salish Sea? Was it foul play? Or was it a result of natural causes? And why just the feet? Join us as we put our best foot forward in undressing this weird podalic phenomenon. 

TW: brief discussion of suicide.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s the Superman Curse!

As one of America’s most iconic heroes, everyone knows Superman. But does everyone know that attached to Superman is a curse? 

From the untimely death of George Reeves to Christopher Reeves accident, America’s hero is steeped in tragedy. But like all stories, is it really a curse or a series of unfortunate events?

TW: Talk of suicide. 

Continue reading It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s the Superman Curse!

The Mysteries at Boleskine House

With owners like Aleister Crowley and Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page, and bizarre history of fires while allegedly being built atop a cemetery, the Boleskine House in the Scottish Highlands has quite the reputation. Did Aleister Crowley’s occultist rituals leave behind evil remnants that continue to haunt the space, and leave him with the moniker “The Beast of Boleskine”? Did a local wizard in the 17th century really raise bodies of the dead, giving a local minister the not-so-fun job of having to put reanimated corpses back in their graves on that land? 

Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer Part 2

In Part 2 of our two part episode, the case takes a turn for the bizarre when Alcala competes on an episode of The Dating Game. His killing spree was as far from over….join us as we dive into the remaining crimes, his capture, and ultimately a slew of potential victims still waiting to be identified. 

Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer Part 1

Rodney Alcala grew to notoriety for having appeared on The Dating Game while he was in the midst of a murder spree. But what do we really know about him? 

In the first of this two part episode we look at Rodney’s early years, early arrests and far too many early releases which culminated in the start of a series of brutal murders. 

TW: Child abuse, rape, murder.

The Origin of the Vampire

Vampires have always been terrifying, alluring, and mysterious. The folklore surrounding vampirism dates back centuries, and is still a hypnotic bite of lore today. But where did the lore come from originally? And how did such lore and fear of the unknown catapult the vampire epidemic to its peak? You think you may know, but do you? 

Join us for a deep dive into the history of vampire legend and lore, with a light splatter of vampiric tales as spooky season picks up momentum!

Haunted Franklin Castle

Franklin Castle is considered by some to be one of the most haunted places in the United States. But what’s the true history?

Hannes Tiedemann had the castle built. Was he a monster who killed his children and servants, damning them to forever haunt the halls or was his story a product of people desperate for a good story to explain some of the strange happenings? Join us as we delve into the true history of Franklin Castle. 

Continue reading Haunted Franklin Castle

The Betty and Barney Hill Alien Abduction

On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving home from vacation when they experienced what we now know as the first well-documented, feasibly legitimate UFO abduction in history. With simultaneous amnesia, bizarre hints at an odd experience, and a feeling of lived trauma, their story shaped how stories like it were told—and understood—from then on.

Through hypnosis, dreams and first-hand accounts, the Hills kept their story somewhat private, until it leaked in an article that shot them to national fame. But did it really happen? Join us for the ultimate Mulder and Scully experience!

Christina Kettlewell: The Eight Day Bride

Christina Kettlewell had only been married 8 days when her body would be found dead under mysterious circumstances. 

The ensuing investigation only amplified the bizarre circumstances surrounding her final months. How did she die? Was it suicide or could it have been murder? And how did her husbands longtime friend Ronald Barrie factor into the whole thing? 

The Los Feliz Murder Mansion: Part Two

TW: murder and suicide.

Most people have heard of the Los Feliz Murder House. If you have the internet, you’ve probably heard about it. A tale of a murder suicide in the 50’s during Christmas time, where a doctor had killed his wife, attempted to kill his daughter, then killed himself with Nembutal and pills. The house was then left as it was post murder for decades – a literal 1950’s time capsule – with rumors of the paranormal, eventually becoming a hot spot for dark tourism.

In part two of this two part topic, we discuss the history of the house, the curse associated with it, and the weirdness of patterns of deaths and abandonment of the home for years.  Is the house and property really haunted? Was it really lived in all those years? And who owns it now? Join us as we debunk this urban legend and bring some truth to the decades of bizarre stories. 

A Spooky Podcast